Why Indian's Touch Feet ? Myth or Science

Touching elders' feet (Pranāma / Charan Sparsh*) is the first lesson in manners and etiquette that all Indian children are taught, specially in Hinduism. It is not uncommon (at least till today) to see Hindus touching feet of elder or respected people. Children touching the feet of their parents, grandparents and teachers, wife touching the feet of her husband and folks touching feet of any elder, pious or revered human being are a part of our lives. 

When an elder person's feet are being touched, he /she, in turn, is supposed to touch the head of the person doing the act and bless (Ashirwad) him /her for long life, fortune and prosperity. It also gives the feeling of comfort, confidence and sense of protection to the young one's that an elder is always there to look after them.

Rules are prescribed in our scriptures as to who should prostrate to whom. Wealth, family name, age, moral strength and spiritual knowledge in ascending order of importance qualified men to receive respect. This is why a king though the ruler of the land, would prostrate before a spiritual master. Epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata have many stories highlighting this aspect.

Touching Feet in Indian Culture
Abhimanyu, touching feet of her mother before his marriage

True, it’s a gesture of showing respect. But why can’t we touch a calf or a thigh or a shoulder or any other body part for showing respect? Like countless allegorical conundrums of Hindu tradition, touching feet too conceals a scientific benefit with a rational explanation.

The Right Way of Touching Feet

To understand this, we must first know the right way of touching one’s feet. Bend the upper half of your body, ideally without bending your knees, and stretch both your arms – with your head between them – to touch the feet of the elder. Obvious that it is, the fingertips of your left hand should touch the right foot of the elder and your right hand should be on their left foot. The elder person should now touch the top of your head with their right hand.

The Traditional explanation of touching feet

On the human body, one's head is considered the most honorable part, where your knowledge, mind, consciousness reside, and the feet are considered least honorable, as they are closest to the ground, dirt, elements. 

Touching an elder's feet is a huge sign of respect, you're effectively communicating that, even their most dishonorable part is respected by you and is higher than your most honorable part. It's a sort of bowing down to the experience and wisdom of the other person. 

Pranam Practice
Pranam Practice

The good wishes (Sankalpa) and blessings (Aashirvaada) of elders are highly valued in India. We prostrate to seek them.

The Scientific explanation of touching feet

Aura transfer:

The nerves that start from our brain spread across all your body. These nerves or wires end in the fingertips of your hand and feet. When you join the fingertips of your hand to those of their opposite feet, a circuit is immediately formed and the energies of two bodies are connected. Your fingers and palms become the ‘receptor’ of energy and the feet of other person become the ‘giver’ of energy.

Usually, the person of whose feet you are touching is either old or pious. When they accept your respect which came from your reduced ego (and is called your shraddha) their hearts emit positive thoughts and energy (which is called their karuna) which reaches you through their hands and toes.

In essence, the completed circuit enables flow of energy and increases cosmic energy, switching on a quick connect between two minds and hearts. To an extent, the same is achieved through handshakes and hugs. Ever wondered why you suddenly feel better after a firm handshake or an affectionate hug? Now you know. You should feel the same after touching feet of a good soul, provided you do it the right way.


If you actually touch the feet of someone and not merely in the modern way of half way through the act, you tend to bent forward. This is a sort of a yogic posture which helps you healthwise and stretches your spine and acts as a sort of exercise in disguise.


When you touch feet of a respected person, you are helping to sublime your own ego to a certain extent thereby making to purer and more calm person. In Indian joint family, it helped a lot where elder/more experience person was consider as final verdict.

An Appeal To You

At the cost of being personal, I appeal you not to bow to a person merely because he/she is old. Not all old people are pious or good. Imagine politicians, murderers, criminals and wrongdoers. Will they automatically become good on growing old? The concept came from a period where old people were either in their vanprasth or sanyas ashram stage of life, and were therefore good and worth our reverence.

Let your hunch or instinct (that too is partially scientific you see!) tell you whether the person in front is worthy of touching feet. If he/she is, never hesitate.

* Charan Sparsh - “Charan” means “feet” and “sparsh” means “to touch”. Together they mean “to touch one’s feet”.

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